Efforts for TB control and elimination in Pakistan
DOPASI Foundation adopted a multipronged approach to control and eliminate TB in Pakistan through advocacy, partnerships, and resource mobilization. This was done in collaboration with the Ministry of National Health and population, Government of Pakistan, and the support of Stop TB Partnership.
The objective of this project is to facilitate the Government of Pakistan in its political commitment to strengthen the existing national Stop TB Partnership. DOPASI Foundation highlighted the need for bold measures, strategic investment & key stakeholder engagement such as CSOs, TB survivors, celebrities, media, journalists, etc. to implement high-level advocacy activities and get the political commitment.
To augment the cause, DOPASI Foundation established a TB Survivors Platform to create demand for TB care services thereby giving a voice to the TB communities, raising the profile of human rights, and reducing health inequities with regards to TB care.
It also focused on engagement of parliamentarians on high priority basis to:
facilitate the passage of legislation to support End-TB efforts
inspire them to raise awareness of TB activities within their constituents.